Our services.
In today’s business world, image is everything: using stock images will just make your image look like everyone else’s. If you need landscape photographs for advertising, magazines and publications, from commercial uses to conservation uses, look no further: from images out of my vast catalogue to assignment work custom produced just for you, I got you covered.
Do you need to find a particular or remote location for your movie or TV show, for your advertising videos or photoshoots? Searching on Google Maps or on websites is not enough. Only professional location scouting will provide you with a complete and trouble-free package: everything you need from aesthetics, light and weather information to detailed costs analysis, from logistic feasibility to facilities, permissions and services!
I firmly believe that professional, perfectly organized Workshops for truly small groups or Workshops One-on-One are the best way to improve your landscape photography. Explore my unique Landscape Photography Workshops, limited to a maximum of three participants, or choose my tailor-made Workshops One-on-One, created on demand for you from destinations to dates and duration.
If you are preparing for a competition, a certification, a qualification or an exam, or if you are simply an amateur looking to move past useless and often misleading social media “Likes”, nothing will help you improve more than a professional Portfolio review. Get a full written report about your Portfolio, from general coherence to a detailed analysis of each individual photograph and use it as a reference to work on improving your skills.
Whether you are a professional or an amateur, if you want to really bring your landscape photography to the next level you need a learning program designed just for you. Combine a Portfolio review with one or more Workshops One-on-One to create your custom-made learning program, perfectly tailored on your level and requirements.
Moments of collective discussions and debate are fundamental for the growth of the photography movement at large. To encourage and promote them, I offer lectures and talks for photo clubs and associations on topics ranging from photography technique to the aesthetics and philosophy of photography.